Why you should buy from us

Some people ask us, 'Why should we buy from you when we are getting product X for USD Y ?'
X can be any product that we have available on our website
Y is the price of the product on the vendor's website.

The answer to this question is really very simple, but first let me ask a question, 'Do you get a $500 iPhone for the same price(say Rs.32000) in India?'
NO! You can not, not at all. But if you want us to give you the products for the same price, we can give it you, for lesser than the vendor price, if you can take care of the international shipping, customs and octroi by yourself.

Some things that you should always consider while calculating the price of a USD thing in INR are

  • If you buy in USD, you need to pay using a credit card, credit card companies charge a minimum of 3.5% on the daily exchange rates(Check your bank's website for daily FX-rates)
  • International shipping adds to the price of your things. We use FedEx International priority/UPS Express for all our orders from all our vendors(A typical order of $500 can attract a shipping charge of $120-$140)
  • Customs gets calculated on CIF value(Cost+Insurance+Freight), if you hear that the customs duty percentage for a particular thing is 28%, it will get levied on the CIF value.
  • Octroi gets calculated on the total cost(CIF+customs duty)

I'll explain the calculations with the help of an example, a real world example,
Let us consider that you want to purchase
Arduino Starter Kit from Arduino.cc

1.You'll go to store.arduino.cc lookup the price of this kit -->EUR 79.90
2.Then you go to google, type 'EUR 79.9 to INR'
3.You get Rs.6700/-
4.You check prices on our website
5.You send us a mail asking WHY

What I'll ask you to do is,
a) Go back to step 1
b) Add it to your cart
c) Go to your cart, find and click on the 'Estimate shipping' button
d) Enter your country, state and pin-code, press continue
e) Look at the shipping quote that you got like this -->o_o

What you are going to get is EUR 81.95 for the shipping charges.(INR 6886)
So is the game over yet? No!!!

You still have to clear the customs barrier. Let us first calculate what we have got charged until now
Price              Rs.6700/-
Shipping         Rs.6886/-
Total               Rs.13586
Credit Card Company Commission @ 3.5%     Rs.475.51
Total               Rs.14061

Now we are happy our kit has arrived India, it will be welcomed by the customs department and as I mentioned before, CIF
Cost           Rs.6700/-
Insurance    Rs.100/- (@1.5%)
Freight        Rs.6886/-

CIF             Rs.13686/-

Customs can range from 18.5% to 32.5%
Let us consider you get charged @ 18.5%
Customs     Rs.2532/-

Total           Rs.16593/-

STOP! Would you?
No! Why Should I? There is one more barrier that you may or may not come across according to the niceness of your city administration.

Generally it is 4% to 5% of the total value

Octroi         Rs.664/-
Total           Rs.17257/-

But this is real.

So for a seemingly simple EUR 80 thing, how much did we have to pay per Euro
Rs.207.4125/ Euro (Rs.16593/EUR 80)

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