This product has been discontinued by manufacturer.
Detect Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation integrating any Geiger Tube which works in the range 400V - 1000V and read this levels using Arduino. As well as from the terminal, the radiation levels can be shown using different actuators:
- Piezo: it allows us to hear the typical "chirp" common in the radioactivity counters
- Leds: 3 green and 2 red let easily to show low, medium and high levels
- LCD: it displays the counts per minute (cpm) and the equivalent absorbed energy levels in Servants (µSV/h).
The current version of the pack comes with the J305ß Geiger tube which detects Beta and Gamma radiation.
If you want to integrate a different Geiger tube you can get just the board without the tube here:
Radiation Sensor Board for Arduino
- In order to test the Geiger Counter you can get Vaseline Glass Bead as a complement in the order options.
- There is a little switch below the LCD you must switch on to use the board.
- The Geiger tube should not be exposed to sunlight because the CPM may not be as accurate as indoors. We advise to use an opaque enclosure when working outdoors to cover this sensor.
- The piezo produces a constant very low noise when the board is on, besides the typical "chirp".
- Tutorial Arduino: Radiation
- Tutorial Raspberry Pi: Radiation
- Tutorial Intel Galileo: Radiation