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Adafruit Assembled Data Logging Shield For Arduino
Here's a handy Arduino shield: we've had a lot of people looking for a dedicated and well-de..
Alpha Data Link Combo
Atlas Scientific EZO-PMP Data Cable
Specification • 1 meter (3.3′) • EZO™ Adapter and 5..
Beautiful Data
In this insightful book, you'll learn from the best data practitioners in the field just how wid..
Big Data Now: 2012 Edition
The Big Data Now anthology is relevant to anyone who creates, collects or relies upon data. It's..
Data Crunching
Every day, programmers all around the world have to recycle legacy data, translate from one propriet..
Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript
As an experienced JavaScript developer moving to server-side programming, you need to implement clas..
DataFlash 16Mbit AT45DB161D
This product has been Discontinued. Description: 16 megabit DataFlash EEPROM. Need storage space?..
Gravity: Science Data Acquisition Module Kit for Experiments Education
The Science Experiments Data Acquisition Module Kit is a versatile toolkit for conducting rapid digi..
Head First Data Analysis
Today, interpreting data is a critical decision-making factor for businesses and organizations. If y..
ISO1541 I2C Data and 1KV Power Isolator Bus Handler I2C Mini Module
The ISO1541 I2C Isolation Mini Module provides a complete isolation solution for both I2C data and p..
Let's Make - Datalogger for Temp. and Humidity
Just connect mikromedia for XMEGA, Battery Boost shield with SHT1X PROTO ..
Light and temperature data-logger pack
Includes! Adafruit data logger shield for Arduino (Assembled) 4 GB SD card Light sensor wi..
OpenLogger: High Resolution Portable Data Logger
Compatibility note: the OpenLogger is only supported by Windows and requires a Digilent Agent&n..
PCA9306 I2C Data and Power Level Shifter .3VDC to 5VDC Bus Handler I2C Mini Module
The PCA9306 I2C Level Shifter is a complete level and power shift solution for I2C communications. ..

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