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Anvyl Spartan-6 FPGA Trainer Board
The Anvyl FPGA development platform is a complete, ready-to-use digital circuit development platform..
Atlys Spartan-6 FPGA Trainer Board
The Atlys circuit board is a complete, ready-to-use digital circuit development platform based on a ..
Basys 3 Artix-7 FPGA Trainer Board: Recommended for Introductory Users
The Basys 3 is an entry-level FPGA development board designed exclusively for Vivado Desig..
Basys MX3: PIC32MX Trainer Board for Embedded Systems Courses
The Basys MX3 is a true MCU trainer board designed from the ground up around teaching embedded syste..
Digilent Pro MX7: PIC32-based Embedded Systems Trainer Board
The Digilent Pro MX7 is a microcontroller development board based on the Microchip® PIC32MX..
Half-bridge Steel Strain Gauge (Bag of 2)
A strain gauge is a small sensor whose resistance changes depending on the strain experienced by t..
MiFare Classic (13.56MHz RFID/NFC) Card - 1KB
This is a blank MiFare Classic card - often used for train/bus passes but also found in other system..
Nexys 4 DDR Artix-7 FPGA: Trainer Board Recommended for ECE Curriculum
The Nexys 4 DDR has been replaced to the Nexys A7 The Nexys 4 DDR is a drop-in replacem..
Nexys A7-50T: FPGA Trainer Board Recommended for ECE Curriculum
The Nexys A7 is the new name for our popular Nexys 4 DDR board, now available in two FPGA densities!..
Nexys A7:100T FPGA Trainer Board Recommended for ECE Curriculum
Previously known as the Nexys 4 DDR The Nexys A7 is the new name for our popular Nexys 4 DDR boar..
Nexys Video Artix-7 FPGA: Trainer Board for Multimedia Applications
The Nexys Video  (previously announced as the Atlys 2), is the latest addition to our Nexys lin..
PIC Training Kit
PIC is getting famous in industry and education. This training kit will suit your need well. Come wi..
Snap Circuits Educational 300 Experiments Student Training Program with Deluxe Case
Snap Circuits makes learning electronics easy and fun! Just follow the colourful pictures in our man..
Snap Circuits Extreme Educational 750 Experiment Student Training Program with Deluxe Case | Student Training Program
Ideal for use in home schooling, middle schools and high schools, where students will grasp the basi..
Snap Circuits Jr. Educational 100 Experiments Student Training Program with Deluxe Case
Students will grasp the basic principles of electronics. Requires 2 "AA" Batteries. Project book of ..

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