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FEETECH High-Torque, High-Voltage Digital Servo FT5121M
The FT5121M is a standard-size digital servo from FEETECH that is capable of delivering extra-high t..
FEETECH Ultra-High-Torque, High-Voltage Digital Giant Servo FT5335M
The FEETECH FT5335M servo is all about torque. This 1/4-scale digital servo can deliver an incredibl..
MG996R Servo, Metal Gear, High Torque
MG996R Servo, Metal Gear, High Torque. Specifications Product: MG996R Servo Torque: 9kg/c..
Power HD Ultra-High-Torque, High-Voltage Digital Giant Servo HD-1235MG
The Power HD 1235MG servo is all about torque. This 1/4-scale servo can deliver an incredible 560&nb..
Servo - Generic High Torque (Standard Size)
Description Here is a powerful, low-cost, reliable servo for all your mechatronic needs. This ser..
Servo - Generic High Torque Continuous Rotation (Standard Size)
Description Here, for all your mechatronic needs, is a simple, high quality continuous rotation s..

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