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12V Solenoid Valve - 3/4" - NC
 Have you ever wanted to control the flow of a liquid using your computer or microcontroller, b..
220V Solenoid Valve - 3/4" - NC
Direct acting solenoid valve automatically opens and shuts to control the fluid flowing through the ..
Dagu 4WD Magician Chassis
The 4WD Magician Chassis by Dagu Electronics is a versatile robot platform featuring four gearmotors..
Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi (Assembled)
This add-on board enables a Raspberry Pi B+, A+, or Pi 2 to drive a pair of brushed DC motors. Its d..
Robot Actuator AK60-6 V1.1 With Driver Board
Product information "Robot Actuator AK60-6 V1.1 With Driver Board" Easy to control a..
T-motor U8 Lite L KV95
The flight time of U8 Lite L 95KV RC Tiger Motor is 5% longer than other T-motors. It is imported wi..

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