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1-Channel Solid State Relay Controller + 7 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 1-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched comp..
1-Channel Solid State Relay Shield + 7 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 1-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicatio..
16-Channel Solid State Relay Controller with I2C Interface
This I2C 16-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched com..
16-Channel Solid State Relay Shield with IoT Interface
This IoT 16-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicati..
16x Isolated Solid State Relay Phidget
The REL1101 is a PWM-enabled solid state relay. The relay is great for controlling LED strips, DC mo..
2-Channel Solid State Relay Controller + 6 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 2-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched comp..
2-Channel Solid State Relay Shield + 6 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 2-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicatio..
24-Channel Solid State Relay Controller + 8 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 24-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched com..
24-Channel Solid State Relay Shield + 8 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 24-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicati..
32-Channel Solid State Relay Controller with I2C Interface
This I2C 32-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched com..
32-Channel Solid State Relay Shield with IoT Interface
This IoT 32-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicati..
3G-AA Click (United States)
Description 3G click (for USA) is a mikroBUS™ add-on board with Quectel’s UG95..
4-Channel Solid State Relay Controller + 4 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 4-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched comp..
4-Channel Solid State Relay Shield + 4 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 4-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicatio..
4x Isolated Solid State Relay Phidget
The REL1100 is a PWM-enabled solid state relay. The relay is great for controlling LED strips, DC mo..

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