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Direct Wired Contact Closure Remote Relay Controller 2-Channel Solid State 1-Way
Wired Contact Closure 1-Way Transmitter Receiver Pair Our MirC 2-Channel Solid-State Relay Contro..
Ethernet Internet Contact Closure Remote Relay Controller 2-Channel Solid State 1-Way
Ethernet Contact Closure 1-Way Transmitter Receiver Pair Our MirC 8-Channel Solid-State Relay Con..
Fusion 2-Channel Solid State Relay Controller with 16 GPIO or ADC and I2C
Fusion 2-Channel Solid-State Relay Controller Overview This 2-Channel SPST Solid-State Relay Cont..
Key Fob Remote Controlled Switch 2-Channel Solid-State Long Range Wireless
Long-Range Remote Controlled Switch 2-Channel with Solid-State SPST Relays This 2-Channel Solid-S..
MirW Contact Closure Multi-Point to Point 2-Channel Solid State 2-Mile Range
Our 2-Channel MirW Solid-State Relay Controller acts as a receiver for several remote contact-closur..
Reactor Sensor Controlled Relay 2-Channel Solid State + 8-Channel 8-Bit ADC
2-Channel Sensor Controlled Solid-State Relays This 2-Channel Reactor Solid State Relay Controlle..
RS-232 2-Channel Solid State Relay Controller
Solid State: A Practical Alternative to Mechanical Relays! Mechanical Relays have a good home in ..
RS-232 2-Channel Solid State Relay Controller with Serial Interface
Solid State: A Practical Alternative to Mechanical Relays! Mechanical Relays have a good home in ..
Solid State Relay Controller 2-Channel + 8 Channel ADC ProXR Lite
2-Channel SPST Solid-State Relay Controller with 8-Channel ADC This ProXR Lite solid-state re..
Time Activated Relay Controller 2-Channel Solid State
Time Schedule Controlled Solid-State Relay 2-Channel This NCD Taralist series 2-Channel Solid-Sta..
Wireless Contact Closure Remote Relay Controller 2-Channel Solid State 1-Way
Wireless Contact Closure 1-Way Transmitter Receiver Pair Our MirC 2-Channel Solid-State Relay Con..

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