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Enclosure Kit for Ettus USRP B200mini
This enclosure kit shields and protects the commercial-grade Ettus USRP B200mini board with a custom..
Ettus USRP B200 with Enclosure kit
The USRP B200 provides a fully integrated, single board, Universal Software Radio Peripheral platfor..
Ettus USRP B200: 1x1, 70MHz-6GHz SDR/Cognitive Radio
The USRP B200 provides a fully integrated, single board, Universal Software Radio Peripheral platf..
Ettus USRP B200mini: 1x1, 70MHz-6GHz SDR/Cognitive Radio
The USRP B200mini delivers a 1×1 SDR/cognitive radio in the size of a business card. With a wi..
Ettus USRP B205mini-i: 1x1, 70MHz-6GHz SDR/Cognitive Radio
The USRP B205mini-i is a flexible and compact platform that is ideal for both hobbyist and OEM appli..

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