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16-Channel Open Collector Driver MCP23017 with I2C Interface
This device consists of a MCP23017 general purpose input output port expander connected to two ULN28..
4-Channel 8W Open Collector 8-Bit PCA9633 PWM FET Driver with IoT Interface
This 4-Channel power PWM FET driver allows 8-Bit variable control of high-current loads using your f..
8-Channel Analog to Digital Converter 12-Bit + 8-Channel Digital IO +8-Channel Open Collector with I2C Interface
This multi-function I2C device includes a MCP23017 configured for 8-Channels of Open Collector Outpu..
8-Channel Open Collector Driver MCP23008 with I2C Interface
This device consists of a MCP23008 general purpose input-output port expander connected to a ULN2803..
MCP23008 4-Channel 8W Open Collector FET Driver 4-Channel GPIO with I2C Interface
This 4-Channel power FET driver allows high-current loads to be controlled using I2C communications,..
MCP23008 4-Channel 8W Open Collector FET Driver 4-Channel GPIO with IoT Interface
This 4-Channel power FET driver allows high-current loads to be controlled from your favorite IoT co..
MCP23008 8-Channel 8W Open Collector FET Driver I2C Shield with IoT Interface
This 8-Channel power FET driver allows high-current loads to be controlled from your favorite IoT co..
MCP23008 8-Channel 8W Open Collector FET Driver with I2C Interface
This 8-Channel power FET driver allows high-current loads to be controlled using I2C communications,..
MCP23017 16-Channel 8W Open Collector FET Driver with I2C Interface
This 16-Channel power FET driver allows high-current loads to be controlled using I2C communications..
MCP23017 16-Channel 8W Open Collector FET Driver with IoT Interface
This 16-Channel power FET driver allows high-current loads to be controlled from your favorite IoT c..
PCA9633 4-Channel 8W Open Collector 8-Bit PWM FET Driver with I2C Interface
This 4-Channel power FET driver allows 8-Bit proportional control of high-current loads using I2C co..
PCA9634 8-Channel 8W Open Collector 8-Bit PWM FET Driver with I2C Interface
This 8-Channel power FET driver allows 8-bit proportional control of high-current loads using I2C co..
PCA9634 8-Channel 8W Open Collector 8-Bit PWM FET Driver with IoT Interface
This 8-Channel power FET driver allows 8-bit variable control of high-current loads your favorite Io..
PCA9685 16-Channel 8W Open Collector 12-Bit PWM FET Driver with I2C Interface
This 16-Channel power FET driver allows 12-Bit proportional control of high-current loads using I2C ..
PCA9685 16-Channel 8W Open Collector 12-Bit PWM FET Driver with IoT Interface
This 16-Channel power FET driver allows 12-Bit variable control of high-current loads your favorite ..

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