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Mini-USB Cable 450cm 20AWG
Description : 450cm USB 2.0 Cable. The cable includes a common mode choke/filter for noise reducti..
Phidget Cable 350cm
Description The 3004 - Phidget Cable is used to connect analog sensors to any Phidget with a..
Pololu Carrier with Sharp GP2Y0A60SZLF Analog Distance Sensor 10-150cm, 5V
Description The GP2Y0A60SZ distance sensor from Sharp offers a wide detection range of 4″ t..
Pololu Distance Sensor with Pulse Width Output, 50cm Max
Overview This compact sensor makes it possible to measure the distance of objects up to about 50&..
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F Analog Distance Sensor 20-150cm
Description The GP2Y0A02 is the longest-range optical distance sensor we carry, featuring a detec..
UC-940 Adapter Flexible Flat Cable (50cm)
A set consists of three cables. Cable length: 50 cm Includes: 3 pcs of UC-940 Adapter Fl..
URM07 - UART Low-Power Consumption Ultrasonic Sensor (20~750cm)
INTRODUCTION An ultrasonic sensor measures distance by calculating the time difference between ..

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