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Adafruit DS1841 I2C Digital 10K Potentiometer Breakout - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
Potentiometers are the perfect tool when you want to change your circuit by turning a knob. Turns ou..
BIGAVR6 MCU Card with ATMEGA128 Specification Architecture AVR (8-bit) ..
Gravity: MOSFET Power Controller
INTRODUCTION In most Arduino projects, relays are the first choice to drive some large current ..
Micro Metal Gear Motor with Connector (75:1)
INTRODUCTION This motor has a long (0.365"/9.27 mm) D profile metal output shaft that matc..
mikroC PRO for 8051 Code License
mikroC PRO for 8051 is a full-featured C compiler for 8051 devices. The feature rich environm..
Motor Driver 1A Dual TB6612FNG
This product has been discontinued The TB6612FNG motor driver can control up to two DC motors at ..
Pololu High-Power Motor Driver 36v20 CS
Overview The Pololu high-power motor driver is a discrete MOSF..
QTR-3RC Reflectance Sensor Array
The QTR-3RC reflectance sensor array requires digital I/O lines to take readings. The similar Q..
SmartDOF click
Built to be used as a simple solution, this 9 DOF SiP provides an output which can be used directl..
SparkFun Environmental Sensor (Qwiic) - BME680
Description The BME680 from Bosch is a powerful sensor capable of sensing humidity, barometric pr..
Toggle Clamp - Large Size - 201B
*Ka-thunk* Pin down that PCB with our Toggle Clamp, a sturdy and reliable way to quickly press ..

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