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10W Super Bright LED - RGB
INTRODUCTION This 10W super bright LED can be used as a flash searchlight for your robot projects..
2433MCUcard10 empty PCB
2433MCUcard10 empty PCB Specification Architecture dsPIC/PIC24 (16-bit) ..
Click BoosterPack 2
Click BoosterPack 2 is an extension for Texas Instruments LaunchPads™ with th..
Conductive Thread Bobbin - 12m (Smooth, Stainless Steel)
Description This is 12 meters of smooth conductive thread spun from stainless steel fiber and wou..
Digital IR Proximity Sensor (0-200cm)
This is a digital IR Proximity Sensor with button and indicator. It provides adjustable detection di..
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Gas Sensor probe [Calibrated]
Specifications Gas: H2S Sensor: 4-H2S-100 Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 t..
Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller 18V25
Description The Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller makes basic control of brushed DC motor..
SmartGPS Board
SmartGPS Board is a compact solution for adding GPS functionality to your device. It features popu..
Sparkfun Tsunami Super WAV Trigger
This Item has been retired. There is an updated version available: WIG-18159 Description ..
VS1053 Codec + MicroSD Breakout - MP3/WAV/MIDI/OGG Play + Record - v2
This breakout board is the ultimate companion for the VLSI VS1053B DSP codec chip. The VS1053 can de..

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