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chipKIT PGM Programmer/Debugger for use with Digilent chipKIT Platforms
The chipKIT™ PGM is a simple, low-cost module that supports in-system programming and debuggin..
DC/DC Power Converter 12-24V DC Input to 24V DC Output at 3 Amps Wire to Wire
The MDC2424003 is a DC/DC power converter that takes 12-24V DC input and will output 24V DC. Cuts DC..
FR12-S102K Set
Features Frame for DYNAMIXEL X-series 430 models. Can be used by assembling on the side of t..
MaxBotix MB1242 I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ4
Features of the MB1242, I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ4, include centimeter resolution, has the highest no..
RFID Wristband – PET Classic 1K
Colorful and adjustable size, waterproof IP68 PVC rubber RFID wristband with 13.56 MHz IC, is perfec..
Vertical Liquid Level Sensor
The Liquid Level Sensor  is a great way to measure the level of a liquid. It has a resistive ou..

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