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EasyMx PRO v7 for Tiva MCU card with TM4C129XNCZAD
Description TM4C129XNCZAD is the default chip of EasyMx PRO™ v7 for Tiva™ C Se..
Industrial High-Power Relay Controller 16-Channel + 8-Channel ADC
16-Channel High-Power Relay Controller with 8-Channel ADC This ProXR Industrial relay c..
Industrial High-Power Relay Controller 16-Channel + UXP Expansion Port
16-Channel High-Power Relay Controller with UXP Expansion Port This ProXR Industrial relay c..
Slide Pot - Small (10k Linear Taper)
Description A simple slide potentiometer can go a long way. Rated at 10KOhm and 0.1W. Comes with ..
XR Expansion Low Cost 16 Channel High Power Relay Controller
ProXR Relay Expansion Board with 16-Channel High Current Relays This Relay Expansion Controller i..

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