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SparkFun Real Time Clock Module
Description This is the SparkFun Real Time Clock (RTC) Module, this little breakout that uses the..
SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - RV-1805 (Qwiic)
Description Get with the times, already! This SparkFun Real Time Clock (RTC) Module is a Qwiic-en..
SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic)
The SparkFun RV-8803 Real Time Clock Module is a Qwiic-enabled breakout board for the RV-8803 RTC. T..
SparkFun RFID Evaluation Shield - 13.56MHz
Description This board is an evaluation platform for the SM130 RFID module. It includes an XBee h..
SparkFun Servo Trigger - Continuous Rotation
Description The SparkFun Continuous Rotation (CR) Servo Trigger is a small robotics board that si..
SparkFun Tiny AVR Programmer
Description The ATtiny45 and 85 are a couple of really cool little MCUs but did you know you can ..
SparkFun Touch Potentiometer
Description The SparkFun Touch Potentiometer, or Touch Pot for short, is an intelligent linear ca..
Spike Tip Temperature Probe
The Atlas Scientific Spike Tip Temperature probe is a Class-B platinum RTD temperature probe. This p..
Stainless Medium Conductive Thread - 3 ply - 18 meter/60 ft
After months of searching, we finally have what we consider to be the ultimate conductive thread...
Stainless Thin Conductive Thread - 2 ply - 23 meter/76 ft
After months of searching, we finally have what we consider to be the ultimate conductive thread. It..
Stainless Thin Conductive Yarn / Thick Conductive Thread - 35 ft
This 316L stainless steel thread falls somewhere between a thick thread and a thin yarn. Most ..
Starter Shield EN(Tick Tock shield) v2
This Starter Shield is a perfect choice for the beginners of Maker World. By playing with it, you ca..
Steam Education Class Packs
Ideal for classrooms, schools, or districts, the Class Pack is an invention-based learning solution ..
Stegosaurus - Aluminum Kit By OWI Robotics
Wooden, resin, and plastic dinosaur kits are prehistoric…a thing of the past. OWI’s new aluminu..
Stellaris® LM4F120 LaunchPad Evaluation Kit
Note: Product discontinued by manufacturer, page for reference only. The Stellaris® LM4F120..

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