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ROBOTIS-OP Deluxe Edition [EU-220V]
This product has been discontinued Open Platform Humanoid Project   ..
Rotary Potentiometer - 10k Ohm, Linear
Description An adjustable potentiometer can open up many interesting user interfaces. Turn the po..
Rotary Potentiometer - 4.7k Ohm, Linear
Description: An adjustable potentiometer can open up many interesting user interfaces. Turn the p..
Rotary Potentiometer - Linear (10k ohm)
Description An adjustable potentiometer can open up many interesting user interfaces. Turn the po..
Rotary Switch - 10 Position
This is a single pole, 10 position rotary switch able to select up to 10 different states in a durab..
RQ+110 Robot Construction Kit
First robot Construction kit of the RQ+ Serie Introductory level with 10 robot examples For r..
RQ+120 Robot Construction Kit
Second robot Construction kit of the RQ+ Serie Upgrade Level 1 with 10 robot examples that need..
RQ+130 Robot Construction Kit
Third robot Construction kit of the RQ+ Serie Upgrade Level 2 with 10 robot examples that needs..
RQ-HUNO Robotic Humanoid Kit (Assembly Kit)
• RQ-HUNO in kit form requiring assembly • Worlds smallest programmable humanoi..
RQ-HUNO Robotic Humanoid Kit (Pre-Assembled)
RQ-HUNO in assembled form, ready to walk Worlds smallest programmable humanoid robot 32-bit m..
RS-232 Serial Communications Module with MAX3232 ZRS
ZRS RS-232 Modular Communications The ZRS series RS-232 interface modules make it easy to co..
RS-485 Junction Interface Dual RJ11 Dual Screw Terminal
his RS-485 Junction Interface help simplify cable management of RS-485 networks by utilizing both sc..
RS-485 Node Serial Network Communications Module SN65HVD12D
RS-485 Serial Communications Module Our RS-485 Serial Communications Module makes it easy to netw..
RS-485 Serial Communications Converter with USB Interface FT232RL SN65HVD12D
USB to RS-485 Converter Build a RS-485 Network in minutes with this USB to RS-485 converter based..

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