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BT-210 Set
Features The BT-210 is a product that uses Bluetooth communication to enable serial communicat..
BuildMecar Kit, Smart Building Block Robot with Mecanum Wheels, 5MP Camera, Based on Raspberry Pi Build HAT
Product Features: Smart robot is always the favorite thing of electronic fans, meanwhil..
CAN-BUS Shield V1.2
This Product has been Replace by a newer version Seeed 103030215. CAN-BUS is a common i..
CAN-BUS Shield V2
CAN-BUS is a common industrial bus because of its long travel distance, medium communication speed a..
Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout Board-MPR121
This Product is Discontinued by Manufacturer.This Page is for Reference Only. Description: This i..
Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller - MPR121QR2
Description: The MPR121QR2 is an I2C driven capacitive touch sensor controller, capable of manag..
Carbon Fiber Propeller P21x6.3 Prop-2PCS/PAIR
Carrier board for Jetson Nano SOM 4GB
* Jetson Nano Development / Expansion Kit, Alternative Solution Of B01 Kit, Optional Jetson Nano Cor..
This Product has been discontinued   DESCRIPTION  This OLLO controller can b..
Color 3 click
TCS3771 is a RGBC sensor: it can detect Red, Green, Blue and clear light. The IC performs well und..
Color 8 click
The great precision of color measuring is achieved with features such as the IRCUT filter which re..
CP2102 USB UART Board (micro)
CP2102 USB to UART Module, USB micro connector. The CP2102 USB UART Board (micro) is an..
CP2104 USB-to-Serial Adapter Carrier
This USB-to-serial adapter lets you easily connect a TTL serial device to a PC by acting as a virtua..
CPS120 Digital Barometer Altimeter I2C Mini Module
The CPS120 is a high-quality, low-cost capacitive absolute pressure sensor solution with a compensat..
DC MOTOR 4 click
DC MOTOR 4 click is capable of driving motors with a supply voltage from 4.5V to 36..

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