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Grove - 2-Coil Latching Relay
This module is based on 2-Coil Latching Relay. Contrast to the ordinary relay, this latching relay d..
Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±16g)
Based on the excellent ADXL-345, this digital 3-axis accelerometer has excellent EMI protection. Its..
Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±400g)
The H3LIS331DL is a low power high performance 3-axis linear accelerometer belonging to the “n..
Grove - 3-Axis Digital Compass
3-Axis Compass module, a member of grove family uses I²C based Honeywell HMC5883L digital compa..
Grove - 5-Way Switch
The Grove - 5-Way Switch can be used to detect the switch position and event like single click/d..
Grove - 6-Axis Accelerometer&Compass v2.0
The Grove 6 – Axis Accelerometer&Compass v2 has 3 magnetic field channels and 3 accelerati..
Grove - 80cm Infrared Proximity Sensor
The 80cm Infrared Proximity Sensor is a General Purpose Type Distance Measuring Sensors, this sensor..
Grove - Air quality sensor v1.3
The sensor is designed for indoor air quality testing. The main gas detected is carbon monoxide, alc..
Grove - Barometer (High-Accuracy)
This Grove - Barometer (High-Accuracy) Sensor features a HP206C high-accuracy chip to detect baromet..
Grove - Base Shield for IOIO-OTG
IOIO is a board specially designed to work with your Android device. And this Grove - Base Shield fo..
Grove - BLE (dual model)
Grove - BLE (dual model) v1.0 uses CSR dual mode Bluetooth chip,with the ARM architecture single chi..
Grove - Button
This new version of button twig contains one independent button, which are configured with pull-down..
Grove - Carbon Dioxide Sensor(MH-Z16)
The Grove - CO2 Sensor module is infrared CO2 sensor high sensitivity and high resolution. Infrared ..
Grove - Digital Light Sensor
This module is based on the I2C light-to-digital converter TSL2561 to transform light intensity to a..
Grove - DMX512
The Grove – DMX512 is a adapter from Grove interface to DMX512 interface(industry standard EIA..

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