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I2C to IoT Interface Adapter
The SI adapter is used to convert any of controllers equipped with a IoT Interface Socket into a cro..
micro:bit click adapter
The BBC micro:bit is a credit card sized microcontroller development system, with a&n..
MicroSD Card with Adapter
This SDH2 V2.0-compliant MicroSD card is perfect for use with our SD/MicroSD equipped products. For ..
MicroSD Card with Adapter - 16GB
Often we find ourselves despairing over limited storage space on our smartphones. Eliminate that pro..
mikroProg to ICD2 & ICD3 adapter
mikroProg to ICD2 & ICD3 is an adapter board which allows you to connect mikroProg™..
mikroProg to ST-Link v2 adapter
mikroProg to ST-Link v2 adapter allows you to connect mikroProg for STM32 programmer and h..
Motor Adapter for NI myRIO
The Motor Adapter for NI myRIO allows you to easily connect and control either one stepper..
Multi IC Adapter PCB For 0.5MM Pitch ICs–Upto 144 Pins
This is a double side Adapter PCB that can accept 0.5mm pitch ICs on one side. The pcb can let you s..
Noosy Nano Sim Adapter 4 in 1 Sim Card Kit
This is a 4-in-1 SIM Card Adapter, a three small pieces of non-aging plastic that give you the abili..
NXT Sensor Adapter for NI myRIO
The NXT Sensor Adapter for the NI myRIO is designed to bring the popular Lego® Mi..
OAK Y-Adapter
Description : Y-adapter is used to supply power to OAK cameras through USB-C connector. N..
Onion Omega 2 and Onion Omega 1 IoT Interface Adapter
This adapter was designed to connect the Onion Omega WiFi module to any of our Particle Electron IoT..
PA015 Prop Adapter Accessories
PA019 Prop Adapter Accessories
PA021 Prop Adapter Accessories

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