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SparkFun MyoWare Muscle Sensor Development Kit
Description Using our muscles to control things is the way that most of us are accustomed to doin..
SparkFun MyoWare Power Shield
Description The MyoWare Power Shield is designed to take two standard CR2032 coin cell batteries ..
SparkFun MyoWare Proto Shield
Description This is the MyoWare Proto Shield, a simple proto-board for your MyoWare Muscle Sensor..
Spirometer Air Capacity Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
MySignals Spirometer Peak Flow Meter is a hand-held pulmonary function measuring device that measure..
SPO2 Pulse Oxygen in Blood BLE Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
Pulse oximetry a noninvasive method of indicating the arterial oxygen saturation of functional hemog..
SPO2 Pulse Oxygen in Blood Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
Pulse oximetry a noninvasive method of indicating the arterial oxygen saturation of functional hemog..
Timmy Bird Ornithopter
The Timmy Bird Ornithopter by TEDCO is a bright and cheery toy that will put a smile on everyone's f..
Wire Wrap or Protoboard Expansion for NI myRIO
The MXP Wire Wrap provides a large 14x21 hole prototyping area on an expansion card compatible with ..

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