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5V-3.3V Voltage Translator Board
Board features two 8-bit non-inverting bus transceiver LVXC3245. All inputs and outputs are 5V tol..
5V-3.3VReg Board
The board includes LM7805 - 5V voltage regulator and MC33269DT–3.3 - 3.3..
6 Degrees of Freedom IMU Digital Combo Board - ITG3200/ADXL345
This product has been Discontinued This is a simple breakout for the ADXL345 accelerometer and th..
6 DOF Robotic Arm
INTRODUCTION Robotic arm has been covered a variety of fields, including manufacturing industry, ..
6-Channel Off-Board 98% Accuracy 100-Amp AC Current Monitor with IoT Interface
Off Board High Accuracy Current Monitoring Controller This 6-Channel high-accuracy current monito..
7 in 1 Rechargeable Solar Transformers by OWI Robotics
• 7 in 1 rechargeable solar transformers • The kit can buil..
8-Channel On-Board 95% Accuracy 20-Amp AC Current Monitor with I2C Interface
Current monitoring of your AC power loads is now possible using cross-platform I2C communications, m..
8-Channel On-Board 95% Accuracy 20-Amp AC Current Monitor with IoT Interface
Current Monitoring of AC power is now easier than ever when using the NCD series IoT Interface Curre..
8-Channel On-Board 97% Accuracy 70-Amp AC Current Monitor with I2C Interface
Current monitoring of your AC power loads is now possible using cross-platform I2C communications, m..
8-Channel On-Board 97% Accuracy 70-Amp AC Current Monitor with IoT Interface
Current Monitoring of AC power is now easier than ever when using the NCD series IoT Interface Curre..
8051-Ready Board
Description 8051-Ready board is the best solution for fast and simple development of&..
9V PowerBRICK: Breadboardable Dual Output USB Power Supplies
Note: purchase the bundle of all four PowerBRICKs and save!  Every circuit needs a power sup..
A-Star 32U4 Robot Controller LV with Raspberry Pi Bridge
The A-Star 32U4 Robot Controller LV with Raspberry Pi Bridge is a programmable module well-suited fo..
A-Star 32U4 Robot Controller LV with Raspberry Pi Bridge (SMT Components Only)
This programmable module is designed to be the core of a small robot, either as an auxiliary control..
A-Star 32U4 Robot Controller SV with Raspberry Pi Bridge
This programmable module combines with a Raspberry Pi to serve as the control center of a small robo..

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