Search - servo

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Mini Maestro 18-Channel USB Servo Controller (Partial Kit)
The 18-channel Mini Maestro 18 raises the performance bar for serial servo controllers with features..
Mini Maestro 24-Channel USB Servo Controller (Assembled)
Getting started with the Maestro Servo Controller Overview Maestro family of USB servo c..
Mini Maestro 24-Channel USB Servo Controller (Partial Kit)
The six-channel Micro Maestro raises the performance bar for serial servo controllers with features ..
Mini Pan-Tilt Kit - Assembled with Micro Servos
This fully-assembled pan-tilt kit is the perfect way to give your project full range motion with two..
MKII Robotic Claw with Servo
The MKII Robotic Claw comes pre-assembled and is the classic claw- heavy duty and made from metal. ..
Monk Make Servo Six Board
The Servo Six board simplifies the process of connecting up to six servo motors to a Raspberry Pi or..
Mounting Bracket for Standard-Size Servos
Description This plastic bracket provides a convenient way to mount standard-size servos with a s..
Pan/Tilt Kit with Servo 2DoF [long]
Include 3KG servo of 2 PC,Comes with a small wrench,  assembly instructions    ..
Pan/Tilt Kit with Servo 2DoF [short]
Product Details include 3KG servo of 2 PC,Comes with a small wrench, assembly instructions..
PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod Mark III Kit(Full Kit With AX-12A Servos)
The PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod MK-III from Interbotix Labs is the 3rd major revision of our..
PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod Mark III Kit(Full Kit With AX-18A Servos)
The PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod MK-III from Interbotix Labs is the 3rd major revision of our..
PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod Mark III Kit(No Servos Kit)
The PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod MK-III from Interbotix Labs is the 3rd major revision of our..
PhantomX Parallel AX-12 Gripper(No Servo)
The PhantomX Parallel AX-12 Gripper is a simple and easy-to-build solution for roboticists looking t..
PhantomX Parallel AX-12 Gripper(with AX-12 Servo )
The PhantomX Parallel AX-12 Gripper is a simple and easy-to-build solution for roboticists looking t..
PhantomX Pincher Robot Arm Kit Mark II - Turtlebot Arm(NO Servos)
The PhantomX Pincher AX-12 Robot Arm is a 4 degree-of-freedom robotic arm and an easy addition to th..

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