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Waspmote Digimesh-PRO SMA 5 dBi
Waspmote is an open source wireless sensor platform specially focused on the implemen..
Waspmote Evaluator Kit
Waspmote is an open source wireless sensor platform specially focused on the implemen..
Waspmote Events Sensor Board
The board allows simultaneous connection with up to 8 sensors whose outputs are compared with a thre..
Waspmote Events Sensor Kit
The sensors are active on the Events Board while Waspmote is in Sleep or Deep Sleep mode. When a sen..
Waspmote Expansion Board
The Expansion Board allows to connect two radios at the same time. This means a lot of different com..
Waspmote Gas Sensors Kit
The Waspmote Gases 2.0 board has been designed to monitor environmental parameters such as temperatu..
Waspmote Gases Sensor Board
The Waspmote Gases 3.0 board has been designed to monitor environmental parameters such as temperatu..
Waspmote Gases Sensor Board PRO
The platform Waspmote Gases PRO enables the user to implement pollution, air quality, indu..
Waspmote Gateway 802.15.4 PRO
This device allows to collect data which flows through the sensor network into a PC or device with a..
Waspmote Gateway 802.15.4 PRO SMA 5 dBi
This device allows to collect data which flows through the sensor network into a PC or device with a..
Waspmote Gateway 868 SMA 4.5 dBi
This device allows to collect data which flows through the sensor network into a PC or device with a..
Waspmote Gateway Bluetooth Low Energy SMA 2dBi
The Bluetooth 4.0 standard, also known as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), is a new short range radio tec..
Waspmote Gateway Bluetooth Low Energy SMA 5dBi
The Bluetooth 4.0 standard, also known as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), is a new short range radio tec..
Waspmote Gateway Bluetooth Pro SMA 2 dBi
This device allows to collect data which flows through the sensor network into a PC or device with a..
Waspmote Gateway Bluetooth Pro SMA 5 dBi
This device allows to collect data which flows through the sensor network into a PC or device with a..

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