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Pimoroni Picade – 8-inch display
Description The ultimate desktop retro arcade machine! Picade is a Raspberry Pi-powered mini arca..
Pimoroni Pico HAT Hacker
Description The Black HAT Hacker in bijou form. It's Pico HAT Hacker! Pico HAT Hacker gi..
Pimoroni pin:bit
Description pin:bit breaks out all of the useful pins from your micro:bit into breadboard forma..
Pimoroni Pogo-a-go-go Solderless GPIO Pogo Pins
Description Fit a pHAT fiddle-free! These solderless pogo GPIO pins, nuts, bolts, and spacer..
Pimoroni Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Starter Kit
Description A lot of fun squeeezed into a tiny computer! Everything* you need to to get started w..
Pimoroni Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kit for Android Things
Description Rainbow HAT has a buffet of sensors, inputs and displays to explore Android ThingsT..
Pimoroni Red/Black/White – Inky pHAT (ePaper/eInk/EPD)
Description A low-energy, high-falutin, electronic paper (ePaper / eInk / EPD) display for your P..
Pimoroni scroll:bit
Description scroll:bit is a little display with a lot of pixels! Its 119 bright white LEDs are pe..
Pimoroni Solder Yourself Kit – pHAT Stack
Description A preposterous pile of peripherals on your Pi! Mix and match 3 HATs or 5 pHATs into a..
Pimoroni Speaker pHAT
Turn your Pi into a Lilliputian ghetto blaster with Speaker pHAT! Speaker pHAT crams an I2S DAC a..
Pimoroni Standard (55°) – MLX90640 Thermal Camera Breakout
Description A sophisticated, hackable, 32x24 pixel thermal camera breakout! Use it to monitor the..
Pimoroni Supplementary Stereophonic* Speaker for Sea Shanty Shenanigans
Description We designed this speaker kit as an add-on to our Pirate Radio Kit, for stereo ..
Pimoroni Touch pHAT
Six touch-sensitive buttons to use for whatever your heart desires, with added LEDs (did you expect ..
Pimoroni Touch – HyperPixel 4.0 - Hi-Res Display for Raspberry Pi
Description A high-resolution, high-speed 4.0" TFT display for your Raspberry Pi with opti..
Pimoroni touch:bit
Description Six handy touch-sensitive buttons and LEDs for your micro:bit. Use touch:..

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