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WiFi 11 Click
WiFi 11 Click is a compact add-on board that contains a WiFi and Bluetooth module that has dual..
WiFi 4 click
WiFi 4 click carries SPWF01SA, a complete standalone WiFi module with a single-chip 802...
WiFi 5 click
WiFi 5 click features Gainspan’s GS1500M 802.11b/g/n Low Power W..
WiFi 6 Click
WiFi 6 click features Bleugiga’s WF121-A self-contained WiFi module. With a ful..
WiFi 7 click
WiFi 7 click carries the ATWINC1510-MR210PB IEEE 802.11 b/g/n module, specifically op..
WiFi 9 Click
WiFi 9 Click is fully embedded stand-alone Wi-Fi module, equipped with the PAN9420 a 2.4 GHz IS..
WiFi BLE click is a Click board™ which provides WiFi and BT/BLE connectivity for any..
WiFi ESP click
WiFi ESP click carries the ESP-WROOM-02 module that integrates ESP8266EX. The click..
WiFi NINA click
WiFi NINA click is a powerful standalone WiFi module, equipped with the state-of-the-art ..
WiFi PLUS click
WiFi PLUS click is a compact solution for adding WiFi communication to your project. The clic..
WiFi2 click
WiFi2 click features the HLK-M30 WiFi module with a built-in TCP/IP protocol stack...
WiFi3 click
WiFi3 click is a complete self-contained WiFi solution carrying the ESP8266 module ..
WiFly click
WiFly click carries RN-131, a standalone, embedded wireless LAN module. It allows you to connec..
XBEE click
XBee click carries the Xbee® and Zigbee-compliant XB24CZ7PIS-004 module with a PCB ant..

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