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8-Channel Push Notification Contact Closure Input over Ethernet
NCD Ethernet Push Notification devices generate a TCP/IP data packet when a change on any of the con..
8-Channel Push Notification Contact Closure Input over Serial
NCD RS-232 Push Notification devices generate a data packet when a change on any of the contact clos..
8-Channel Push Notification Contact Closure Input over USB
NCD USB Push Notification devices generate a data packet when a change on any of the contact closure..
8-Channel Push Notification Contact Closure Input over WiFi
NCD WiFi Push Notification devices generate a TCP/IP data packet when a change on any of the contact..
A1301 Hall Effect Sensor 2.5 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1301 Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magnetic fi..
A1302 Hall Effect Sensor 1.3 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1302 Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magnetic fi..
A1304ELHLX-05-T Hall Effect Sensor 0.5 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1304ELHLX-05-T Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a m..
A1304ELHLX-T Hall Effect Sensor 4 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1304ELHLX-T Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magn..
A1324 Hall Effect Sensor 5 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1324 Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magnetic fi..
A1325 Hall Effect Sensor 3.125 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I2C Mini Module
The Allegro A1325 Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magnetic fi..
A1326 Hall Effect Sensor 2.5 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1326 Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magnetic fi..
A1332 Precision Hall Effect Rotational Angle 0° to 360° Sensor I2C Mini Module
The A1332 is a 360° contactless high-resolution programmable magnetic angle position sensor. It ..
A1388 Hall Effect Sensor 2.5 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1388 Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magnetic fi..
A1389 Hall Effect Sensor 9 mv/G with ADC121C 12-Bit Resolution I²C Mini Module
The Allegro A1389 Hall-Effect Sensor provides a linear voltage output in proportion to a magnetic fi..
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Black Edition (Bulk, Header Pins Soldered)
Description This is a bulk-packaged version of our Black Edition A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carri..

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