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Gas Flow Cap
This screw-on cap is designed for our line of gas and humidity sensors. The input/output ports ar..
Gravity: Analog Waterproof Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor
INTRODUCTION This is a new type of analog capacitive soil moisture sensor designed by D..
Gravity: Digital Capacitive Touch Sensor For Arduino
INTRODUCTION Are you tired with clicking mechanic button? Try our capacitive touch sensor. Right ..
Gravity:Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor
This is a capacitive fingerprint sensor with fingerprint collecting, processing, storing, and compar..
Grove - Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner/Sensor
The Grove - Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner / Sensor is based on the KCT203 Semiconductor f..
Grove - Capacitive Touch Slider Sensor (CY8C4014LQI)
The Grove - Capacitive Touch Slider Sensor (CY8C4014LQI) is a multifunctional touch sensor. You can ..
HTS221 Capacitive Digital Sensor for Relative Humidity and Temperature I2C Mini Module
the HTS221, manufactured by STMicroelectronics, is a relative humidity and temperature sensor combin..
Induction Suppression Capacitor
Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of relay control is proper handling of inductive loads. Inductive..
Lithium Ion Battery - 3.7v 2000mAh
Lithium ion polymer (also known as 'lipo' or 'lipoly') batteries are thin, light and..
mikroBus Cape
Description The mikroBUS cape is an extension for Beaglebone Black, the popular low-cost develo..
Mikromedia 4 for PIC32MZ Capacitive FPI with bezel
Rapid development of multimedia and gui-centric applications Build Great Gui In&..
mikromedia HMI 3.5" Cap
Description mikromedia HMI boards are driven by FTDI Chip's FT900Q with their propr..
mikromedia HMI 4.3" Cap
Description mikromedia HMI boards are driven by FTDI Chip's FT900Q with their propr..
mikromedia HMI 5" Cap
Description mikromedia HMI boards are driven by FTDI Chip's FT900Q with their propr..
mikromedia HMI 7" Cap
Description mikromedia HMI boards are driven by FTDI Chip's FT900Q with their propr..

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