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BT Audio click
Bluetooth class 2 radio and DSP processor combined Microchip’s RN52 Bluetooth audio modul..
Camera Shield
Introduction : Camera Shield is the first shield board that support photograph, it is based on th..
CCS811 Air Quality Sensor-Breakout
INTRODUCTION CCS811 Air Quality Sensor can measure the eCO2 (equivalent CO2) and T..
Conductive Nylon Fabric Tape-5mm Widex10 Meters Long
With our fun assortment of conductive materials, cosplay and wearables have..
Conductive thread ribbon cable - White - 1 yard
This product has been discontinued This lightweight, flexible fabric ribbon cable contains four c..
Conductivity Calibration Kit K=0.1
The Smart Water model has been conceived to facilitate the remote monitoring of the most relevant pa..
Crazyradio 2.4Ghz nRF24LU1+ USB radio dongle with antenna (BC-CR-01-A)
The Crazyradio is the official radio dongle for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter. It is a 2.4GHz USB ra..
Cupric Calibration Kit
This Kit is composed of 3 bottles: 10, 100 and 1000 ppm. Each bottle contains 100 ml. Each Kit can b..
Current click
Current click is an add-on board used for measurement of electric current. It features I..
DevDuino Sensor Node V2 (ATmega 328) - AAA battery holder
DevDuino Sensor Node V2 is a compact Arduino-compatible microcontroller and is designed to build wir..
Dragino LoRa Shield - support 433M frequency
DESCRIPTION The Dragino LoRa Shield is a long range transceiver on a Arduino shield form factor a..
DRV8256P Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier
This compact breakout board for TI’s DRV8256P motor driver offers a wide operating voltage ran..
DYNAMIXEL XH540-W270-R Feature DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fu..
Easy Start Kit - AVR
Description Kit includes: EasyAVR v7 Development System mikroC or mikroBasic&nb..
EasyPSoC MCU Card with PSoC CY8C27643
EasyPSoC MCU Card with PSoC CY8C27643 Specification Architecture PSoC (8-bit) ..

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