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Grove - Carbon Dioxide Sensor(MH-Z16)
The Grove - CO2 Sensor module is infrared CO2 sensor high sensitivity and high resolution. Infrared ..
Grove - Digital Light Sensor
This module is based on the I2C light-to-digital converter TSL2561 to transform light intensity to a..
Grove - DMX512
The Grove – DMX512 is a adapter from Grove interface to DMX512 interface(industry standard EIA..
Grove - Dry-Reed Relay
The Grove-Dry-Reed Relay is a relay module which works through magnetizing the vibration reed via th..
Grove - Dust Sensor
This Dust Sensor gives a good indication of the air quality in an environment by measuring the dust ..
Grove - Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor
Heart rate ear clip kit contain a ear clip and a receiver module. The heart rate measure kit can be ..
Grove - EL Driver
Grove - EL Driver is designed for driving EL Wires.It integrates a very small inverter to drive ..
Grove - Electricity Sensor
The Electricity sensor module is based on the TA12-200 current transformer which can change large al..
Grove - Electromagnet
An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by electric current. An..
Grove - EMG Detector
EMG detector is a bridge connects human body and electrical, the sensor gathers small muscle signal ..
Grove - Encoder
This module is an incremental rotary encoder. It encodes the rotation signal from the axis and o..
Grove - Finger-clip Heart Rate Sensor with Shell
Grove - Finger-clip Heart Rate Sensor with shell is based on PAH8001EI-2G, a high performance and lo..
Grove - Fingerprint Sensor
The Fingerprint Sensor is one optical fingerprint sensor which will make adding fingerprint detectio..
Grove - Flame Sensor
The Grove - Flame Sensor can be used to detect fire source or other light sources of the wavelength ..
Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ2)
The Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ2) module is useful for gas leakage detecting(in home and industry). It can..

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