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Sparkfun Tsunami Super WAV Trigger
This Item has been retired. There is an updated version available: WIG-18159 Description ..
SparkFun USB Host Shield
Description This new version corrects the pin out for the GPX and RESET pins. The SparkFun USB Ho..
SparkFun USB LiPoly Charger - Single Cell
If you need to charge LiPo batteries, this simple charger will do just that, and do it fast! The Spa..
SparkFun USB to RS-485 Converter
Description This is the newest revision and fixes issues with the last board. This breakout board..
Sparkfun USB to Serial Breakout - FT232RL
Description This is the SparkFun USB to Serial Breakout for the FT232RL, a small board with a bui..
SparkFun USB UART Serial Breakout - CY7C65213
Description The CY7C65213 USB to UART serial breakout is designed to provide users with a means t..
SparkFun UV Sensor Breakout - ML8511
Description The ML8511 breakout is an easy to use ultraviolet light sensor. The MP8511 Sensor wor..
SparkFun VR IMU Breakout - BNO080 (Qwiic)
Description Virtual reality is in, but you shouldn’t have to drop hundreds of dollars to ga..
SparkFun Weather Shield
Description The SparkFun Weather Shield is an easy-to-use Arduino shield that grants you access t..
SparkFun WiFi IR Blaster (ESP8266)
Do you want to control your TV via a web-browser? Want to ask Alexa to mute your stereo? Want to sch..
SparkFun WiFi Shield - CC3000
Description:  This is a shield for the CC3000 WiFi Module. The CC3000 from TI (Texas Instrum..
Sparkfun Wifi Shield - ESP8266
Description The SparkFun ESP8266 WiFi Shield is an Arduino compatible shield for the ESP8266 WiFi..
SparkFun Wireless Motor Driver Shield
Description The SparkFun Wireless Motor Driver Shield is designed to make connecting motors, sens..
SparkFun XBee Explorer Dongle
Description This is the SparkFun XBee Explorer Dongle unit for the Digi XBee module line. With th..
SparkFun XBee Explorer Regulated
Description The SparkFun XBee Explorer Regulated takes care of the 3.3V regulation, signal condit..

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