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CH4 Gas Sensor
This product has been discontinued. Gas leak detection for houses, workshops, commercial building..
Chlorine (Cl2) Gas Sensor probe [Calibrated]
Specifications Gas: Cl2 Sensor: 4-Cl2-50 Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 t..
CO Gas Sensor
This product has been discontinued. Features Good sensitivity to Combustible gas in wide ra..
The CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Gas Sensor is used in gas detection equipment for detecting Carbon Dioxide ..
Ethylene Oxide (ETO) Gas Sensor probe [Calibrated]
Specifications Gas: ETO Sensor: 4-ETO-100   Performance Characteristics Nominal..
Fermion: MEMS Gas Sensor - MiCS-2714 (Breakout)
This is a hydrogen and nitrogen oxide gas concentration sensor launched by DFRobot. The sensor us..
Fermion: MEMS Gas Sensor - MiCS-5524 (Breakout)
This is a hydrogen and nitrogen oxide gas concentration sensor launched by DFRobot. The sensor us..
Flammable Gas & Smoke Sensor MQ-2
This semiconductor gas sensor detects the presence of combustible gas and smoke at concentrations fr..
Gas Flow Cap
This screw-on cap is designed for our line of gas and humidity sensors. The input/output ports ar..
Gas Sensor Breakout Board
Description This is a simple breakout board for the MQ - 3, MQ - 4, MQ - 6, MQ - 7, and MQ - 8 ga..
Gas Sensor Socket
This socket is a handy accessory for your gas sensors. You can use it to extend the leads of gas sen..
Gravity: Analog CO/Combustible Gas Sensor (MQ9) For Arduino
This is an Arduino CO/Combustible Gas sensor. It uses MQ-9 to dectect Carbon Monoxide. The sens..
Gravity: Analog CO2 Gas Sensor For Arduino (MG-811 Sensor)
INTRODUCTION "Greenhouse Effect" is melting the Earth ice core every minute and creatin..
Gravity: Analog Gas Sensor (MQ2) For Arduino
This is a generic Arduino gas sensor. It has MQ2 probe which is able to detect LPG, i-butane, p..
Gravity: Analog Hydrogen Gas Sensor (MQ8) For Arduino
INTRODUCTION This is an Arduino hydrogen gas sensor. It has high sensitivity to Hydrogen (H2) and..

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