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BIGAVR6 MCU Card with ATMEGA128 Specification Architecture AVR (8-bit) ..
Carbon Fiber Propeller FA15.2×5 Prop-2PCS/PAIR
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Carbon Fiber Propeller FA15.2×5 Push Type Prop-2PCS/PAIR
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Carbon Fiber Propeller FA16.2×5.3 Prop-2PCS/PAIR
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Carbon Fiber Propeller FA16.2×5.3 Push Type Prop-2PCS/PAIR
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Carbon Fiber Propeller FA18.2×5.9 Prop-2PCS/PAIR
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Carbon Fiber Propeller FA18.2×5.9 Push Type Prop-2PCS/PAIR
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DC Geared Motor (6V) SPG30A-10K
​​SPG30 is 1.1W DC brushed motor with compact size, a low cost solution for projects such as medium ..
FRP42-A110K Set
Features Optional adaptor frame for DYNAMIXEL PRO 42-Series.  Used for housing or outpu..
FRP54-A110K Set
Features Optional frame for DYNAMIXEL PRO. .   Adaptor for DYNAMIXEL PRO 54-series. ..
The INA118 is a low-power, general-purpose instrumentation amplifier offering excellent accuracy. Th..
MaxBotix MB7072 XL-MaxSonar-WRA1
Features of the weather resistant MB7072, XL-MaxSonar-WRA1, include centimeter resolution, short t..
MaxBotix MB7076 XL-MaxSonar-WRLA1
Features of the weather resistant MB7076, XL-MaxSonar-WRLA1, include centimeter resolution, short ..
MaxBotix MB7092 XL-MaxSonar-WRMA1
Features of the weather resistant MB7092, XL-MaxSonar-WRMA1, include small target rejection provid..
mikroBoard for AVR with ATmega128
Main purpose of the mikroBoard is usage as MCU card for UNI-DS6 development system. For connection..

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