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DIY Sensor Film Kit - 4x6" Small Kit
The Sensor Film Kit is a great new way to make custom-sized sensors out of force sensitive material...
EL Wire - Red 3m
Description EL wire, or electroluminescent wire, is a flexible wire coated in phosphor. Apply the..
Expand 4 click
Expand 4 click carries TPCIC6A595, a chip that combines an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift ..
Flash 4 click
The S25FL512S module can withstand up to 100,000 program cycles, with the data retention peri..
FR07-G101GM Set
Features Gripper frame for DARwIn-OP, RX-10/24F/28, and MX-28. Can be applied on a Humanoid ..
NANO GPS click
Nano GPS click carries the Nano Hornet module from OriginGPS. It’s the smallest GP..
OAK-D-IoT-40, OpenCV AI Machine Vision Kit, Depth Measuring, Image Recognition
Overview : The OAK-D-IoT-40 baseboard has three on-board cameras which implement stereo a..
PIR (Motion) Sensor
PIR sensors are used to detect motion from pets/humans from about 20 feet away (possibly works on zo..
Pmod I2S: Stereo Audio Output
This product has been discontinued The Pmod I2S utilizes a Cirrus Logic CS4344 Stereo D/A co..
Raspberry Pi LCD development Kit
Note: Raspberry Pi is NOT included. Overview An accessories Pack (type A) to be used with Rasp..
Sipeed MAix Go Suit for RISC-V AI+IoT
Description Sipeed MAix: AI at the edge AI is pervasive today, from consumer to enterprise app..
Solarbotics SW-B BLACK Servo Wheel with Encoder Stripes, Silicone Tire
The Solarbotics SW wheel is compatible with standard Futaba servo hubs such as those on theSpringRC ..
WiFi 4 click
WiFi 4 click carries SPWF01SA, a complete standalone WiFi module with a single-chip 802...

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