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M-DUINO PLC Arduino Ethernet 57R E/S Relé / Analógicas / Digitales PLUS
Modular PLC This is the first equipment based on the Arduino technology fully designed for a prof..
M-DUINO PLC Arduino Ethernet 58 E/S Analógicas/Digitales PLUS
Modular PLC This is the first equipment based on the Arduino technology fully designed for a prof..
MAG3110 3-Axis Digital Magnetometer Electronic Compass I2C Mini Module
The MAG3110 is a small, low-power, digital 3-axis magnetometer. This device can be used in conjun..
Mastech Digital Multimeter MAS830L
Features: Pocket Size and 2000 counts LCD Display Tests AC/DC Voltage, DC Current and Resist..
MAX21000 Ultra-Accurate Low-Power 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope I2C Mini Module
Maxim’s MAX21000 is a low-power, low-noise, 3-axis angular rate sensor that delivers unprecede..
Max32: Arduino-programmable PIC32 Microcontroller Board
The Max32 is a prototyping platform that adds the performance of the Microchip® PIC32 micro..
MCC 118: Voltage Measurement DAQ HAT for Raspberry Pi® 12-bit, 100 kS/s, 8 SE Analog Inputs
The Measurement Computing MCC 118 and MCC 128 DAQ HATs feature eight channels of analog voltage meas..
MCC 128: Voltage Measurement DAQ HAT for Raspberry Pi® 16-bit,100 kS/s, 8 SE/4 DIFF Analog Inputs, Multiple Input Ranges
The Measurement Computing MCC 118 and MCC 128 DAQ HATs feature eight channels of analog voltage meas..
MCC 134: Thermocouple Measurement DAQ HAT for Raspberry Pi®
The Measurement Computing MCC 134 Thermocouple Measurement DAQ HAT features four thermocouple inputs..
MCC 152: Voltage Output and DIO DAQ HAT for Raspberry Pi®
The Measurement Computing MCC 152 Voltage Output and DIO HAT features two channels of analog voltage..
MCC 172: IEPE Measurement DAQ HAT for Raspberry Pi®
The Measurement Computing MCC 172 IEPE Measurement DAQ HAT features two channels for making sound an..
MCC 172: IEPE Measurement DAQ HAT for Raspberry Pi® with Two Coaxial Cables
The Measurement Computing MCC 172 IEPE Measurement DAQ HAT features two channels for making sound an..
MCP23008 8-Channel Digital Input Output with I2C Interface
The I2CDIO8 device provides an 8-bit general purpose, parallel I/O expansion for the I2C bus.  ..
MCP23008 8-Channel Programmable Digital Input Output I2C Mini Module
The MCP23008 is a general purpose programmable 8-Channel digital input/output controller. It is ..
MCP23008 MCP23017 24-Channel Digital Input/Output with I2C Interface
The I2CDIO24 is a programmable 24-channel digital input/output controlled designed for interface to ..

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