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AltIMU-10 v5 Gyro, Accelerometer, Compass, and Altimeter (LSM6DS33, LIS3MDL, and LPS25H Carrier)
Description The Pololu AltIMU-10 v5 is an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and altimeter that feat..
Altitude 2 click
Altitude 2 click is a high-resolution barometric pressure sensor Click board™. It provi..
Altitude 3 Click
Features such a very high accuracy, low power consumption, temperature stability, water resis..
Altitude click
Description Altitude click features a MEMS pressure sensor MPL3115A2, which provides accur..
Aluminum Alloy Passive Cooling Case for LattePanda Alpha & Delta
This aluminum alloy heat sink is designed for LattePanda Alpha and Delta Edition..
Aluminum Heatsink Cooling Fan for LattePanda
INTRODUCTION The low profile ultra low noise fan keeps your LattePanda running at a stable temper..
Ambient 15 Click
Ambient 15 Click is a compact add-on board used to measure the amount of the present ambient li..
Ambient 2 click
Ambient 2 click carries TI’s OPT3001 Ambient Light sensor. It’s a small (2mm..
Ambient 4 click
The influence of the light source type on the measurement accuracy is quite reduced. The sensor is..
Ambient 5 click
Thanks to the used proprietary technologies that allow high precision, reliability, and low power ..
Ambient 6 click
Thanks to the used proprietary technologies that allow high precision, reliability, and low power ..
Ambient 8 click
The LTR-329ALS-01 offers six programmable gain settings, ranging from 1x up to 96x. This allows op..
Ambient Click
Ambient click carries the Melexis MLX75305 IC. It’s a CMOS integrated optical sens..
Ambient Light Sensor(0-200klx)
This new ambient light sensor is packaged in a transparent semisphere case that offers better light-..
Ammeter click
Two onboard screw terminals (probe+ and probe-) are bringing in the current, which then passes throu..

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