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ADC 4 click
ADC 4 click is an advanced analog to digital multichannel converter, which can sample inputs ..
ADC 5 click
Description ADC 5 click is a device used to sample an analog voltage on the input and conv..
ADC 6 click
A precise ADC module with flexible signal routing ADC 6 click is an advanced 24bit multich..
ADC 7 click
A high dynamic range of this click allows it to be used for very precise sampling of the input vol..
ADC 8 Click
ADS1115 can operate either in continuous or in a single-shot mode. While operating in a single-sho..
ADC click
Description ADC click carries the MCP3204 12-bit Analog-to-Digital converter. Th..
ADC2 click
ADC 2 click carries MCP3551/3, which is a 22-bit ADC with automatic internal offset and gain ..
ADC3 click
ADC3 click carries Microchip’s MCP3428 16-bit multichannel analog-to-digital conve..
ADS1015 12-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier
For microcontrollers without an analog-to-digital converter or when you want a higher-precision ADC,..
ADS1115 16-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier
For microcontrollers without an analog-to-digital converter or when you want a higher-precision ADC,..
ADT75 Temperature Sensor ±1°C 12-Bit with 3 Address Lines I2C Mini Module
The ADT75 is a complete temperature monitoring system guaranteed to operate at supply voltages rangi..
Advanced Auto-Calibrating Line Sensor
LSA08 (Advance Line Following Sensor Bar) consist of 8 sensors pair. LSA08 is typically used for emb..
Advanced Emulation BoosterPack for SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3100 BoosterPack
This advanced emulation BoosterPack is an accessory for the SimpleLink Wi-Fi® CC3100 BoosterPack..
Air quality 2 click
Air quality 2 click carries the iAQ-Core Indoor Air Quality sensor that measures VO..
Air quality 3 click
Air quality 3 click is the air quality measurement device, which is able to output both equiv..

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