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SparkFun Cellular Shield - MG2639
The MG2639 SparkFun Cellular Shield is a perfect addition to any Arduino project that requires conne..
SparkFun ESP32 Thing
Description The SparkFun ESP32 Thing is a comprehensive development platform for Espressif’..
SparkFun Level Translator Breakout - PCA9306
Description:  There are a couple must-have boards that every engineer and hobbyist should ha..
SparkFun Lightning Detector - AS3935
Description The SparkFun Lightning Detector adds lightning detection to your next weather station..
SparkFun LilyPad LED White (5pcs)
A simple, very bright, 250mcd, white LED LilyPad. Light up the night! LilyPad is a wearable e-tex..
SparkFun Multiplexer Breakout - 8 Channel (74HC4051)
Description The SparkFun Multiplexer Breakout provides access to all pins and features of the 74H..
SparkFun nRF52832 Breakout
Description The nRF52832 is Nordic Semiconductor’s latest multiprotocol radio System on Chi..
SparkFun RedBoard - Programmed with Arduino
Description At SparkFun we use many Arduinos and we’re always looking for the simplest, mos..
SparkFun Serial Controlled Motor Driver
Description The SparkFun Serial Controlled Motor Driver (SCMD) is a DC motor driver that’s ..
SparkFun Weather Shield
Description The SparkFun Weather Shield is an easy-to-use Arduino shield that grants you access t..
SRF shield - Wireless transciever for all Arduino type boards
The Ciseco SRF shield is a low power wireless transceiver aimed at building wireless sensors and act..
Teensy Prop Shield LC
Description This low-cost (LC) Teensy Prop Shield is meant for making light and sound effects on ..
Telescopic Antenna SMA - 300 MHz to 1.1 GHz (ANT700)
Description This ANT700 is a telescopic antenna designed for operation from 300 MHz to 1.1 GHz wi..
Tessel RFID Module
Read RFID cards. Have your pet door automatically open when their RFID-tagged collar approaches, ..
The AirBoard - prototyping platform For IoT
The AirBoard is a wireless, modular and ultra low-power prototyping platform for the Internet of Thi..

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