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Grove - Sound Sensor
The Sound sensor module is a simple microphone. Based on the power amplifier LM386 and the electret ..
Grove - SPDT Relay(30A)
The  SPDT Relay(30A) is a high quality Single Pole Double Throw Relay(SPDT).The Relay..
Grove - Speaker
The Grove - Speaker is a module consist of power amplification and voice outputs. The loudness can b..
Grove - Sunlight Sensor
Summer is coming, want to make a UV detector to know the UV index when you are under the sun? Grove ..
Grove - Temperature Sensor
Grove - Temperature Sensor uses a thermistor to measure ambient temperature. The resistance of therm..
Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor (High-Accuracy & Mini)
This is a multifunctional sensor that gives you temperature and relative humidity information at the..
Grove - Tempreature & Humidity Sensor (DHT 11)
This temperature & humidity sensor provides a pre-calibrated digital output. A unique capaci..
Grove - UART WiFi V2 (ESP8285)
Grove - UART WiFi V2.0(ESP8285) is a serial transceiver module featuring the ubiquitous ESP8285 IoT ..
Grove - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Description The Grove - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is an ultrasonic transducer that uti..
Grove - UV Sensor
The Grove – UV Sensor is used for detecting the intensity of incident ultraviolet(UV) radiatio..
Grove - Vibration Motor
It consists one coin type motor which is a Permanent Magnet coreless DC motor. It vibrates when..
Grove - Water Atomization v1.0
Grove - Water Atomization is a perfect module for you to develop an atomizer or an atomizer module i..
Grove - Water Sensor
Grove - Water Sensordetects the presence of water using exposed PCB traces. The sensor is made up of..
Grove Base BoosterPack
As for more information, please visit Energia Blog Grove Base BoosterPack serves as an interface ..
Grove Finger clip Heart Rate Sensor
Grove - Finger-clip Heart Rate Sensor is based on PAH8001EI-2G, a high performance and low power CMO..

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