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Rotary Potentiometer - 10k Ohm, Linear
Description An adjustable potentiometer can open up many interesting user interfaces. Turn the po..
RS-232 Serial / Modbus Module for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo [Xbee Socket]
NOTE: This product is compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo bo..
RS485 4 Click
The ADM2795E, as the main component of the RS485 4 click complies with many regulations: Level 4 E..
RTC3 click
RTC3 click carries BQ32000, a real time clock with an integrated trickle charge circuit for a..
SD/MicroSD Memory Card (8 GB Class10 SDHC)
INTRODUCTION Ultra Storage With the development of smart phones, your phone is often used for muc..
Shield Shield for Spark Core
The Spark Core is an Arduino-compatible, Wi-Fi enabled, cloud-powered development platform that make..
SigFox 2 Click (NA & Asia)
Activate your Sigfox 2 click by using the ID and PAC numbers which you can find on the packag..
Silver Calibration Kit
This Kit is composed of 3 bottles: 10, 100 and 1000 ppm. Each bottle contains 100 ml. Each Kit can b..
SODAQ - Microcontroller for Solar Data Acquisition
The SODAQ (Solar Data Acquisition) is an Arduino compatible data acquisition board designed by Grego..
Solenoid - 36v
Description Solenoids are a great way to induce linear motion for pushing, pulling or controlling..
Spark Core with Chip Antenna
The Spark Core is an Arduino-compatible, Wi-Fi enabled, cloud-powered development platform that make..
Spark Core with u.FL Connector
The Spark Core is an Arduino-compatible, Wi-Fi enabled, cloud-powered development platform that make..
SparkFun 6 Degrees of Freedom Breakout - LSM6DS3
Description The LSM6DS3 is a accelerometer and gyroscope sensor with a giant 8kb FIFO buffer and ..
SparkFun 9DoF Sensor Stick
Description The SparkFun 9DoF Sensor Stick is an easy-to-use 9 Degrees of Freedom IMU. The Sensor..
SparkFun Block for Intel® Edison - Console
The Intel® Edison is an ultra small computing platform that will change the way you look at embe..

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