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ArduPilot Mega - Arduino Mega compatible UAV Controller
Description This is a Arduino-compatible autopilot board designed by Chris Anderson and Jordi Mu&..
BeagleBone Black
This product has been discontinued As a new open hardware star from BeagleBoard family, BeagleBon..
BeagleBone Blue
BeagleBone® Blue is the affordable and complete robotics controller built around the popular Bea..
BigQuad deck
With the BigQuad deck you can transform your Crazyflie 2.X to a bigger quad by connecting external E..
Bus Pirate v3.6 universal serial interface
Bus Pirate v3 is a universal bus interface that talks to electronics from a PC serial terminal...
Bus Pirate v4
Bus Pirate v4 is a universal bus interface that talks to electronics from a computer serial ter..
Buzzer Deck
Sometimes LED feedback isn’t enough, like when you’re flying around in a lab or a living..
Espruino Board
!!SORRY DISCONTINUED..!! Espruino is a small computer that anyone can use to control things aroun..
Espruino Board v1.4
Espruino is a small computer that anyone can use to control things around them. Its JavaScript inter..
Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing
The Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing is built around Sipeed MAix M1 AI MODULE with Kendryte K210 proc..
Konashi - Computing Toolkit With BLE For iOS
Konashi is a microcontroller board with a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module. It is a physical comput..
The MAXREFDES117# reference design is a low power, optical heart-rate module complete with integrate..
mikroBoard for PIC 40-pin with PIC18F4520
Description The board features the PIC18F4520 microcontroller, flash module, USB UART..
nRF52832-Micro Development Board
The nRF52832-MDK is a fully open-source, versatile single board development kit for Bluetooth® l..
OpenMV Cam M7
Description The OpenMV Cam is a small, low power, microcontroller board which allows you to easil..

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