A plasma globe or plasma ball is usually a clear glass orb filled with a mixture of various noble gases with a high-voltage electrode in the center of the sphere, Placing a finger tip on the glass creates an attractive spot for the energy to flow and creates amazing light effects.
Hold a lightning bolt in your hand! The plasma ball is filled with mini lightning bolts that arc towards your fingers when you touch the surface. Delight your friends with a dramatic light show as you move your fingers around the glass. Wonderful way to light up a child's room.
Plasma lamps are mainly used as curiosities or toys for their unique lighting effects and the "tricks" that can be performed on them by users moving their hands around them. They might also form part of a school's laboratory equipment for demonstration purposes.
Comes with 110V power supply, a 220V voltage converter and plug adapter is required for usage in India (Not Included).
Ages 8 and up