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Servo - Generic Metal Gear (Micro Size)
This product has been discontinued Here is a simple, low-cost, high quality servo for all your me..
Servo Mount
Description Servos are awesome for robotics projects but they can be difficult to mount the way y..
Shadow Chassis
Description:  The Shadow Chassis is a marvelously durable and modular robot platform from Ro..
Smart Arduino Digital Servo Shield for Dynamixel AX
INTRODUCTION Some day,a guy want to make a robotic dog as a gift to his little son.He brought som..
Solarbotics GM7 120:1 Mini Gear Motor 90 deg. Output
This 120:1 gearmotor (gearbox with brushed DC motor) is very compact and weighs only 0.7 ounces..
Solarbotics SW-B BLACK Servo Wheel with Encoder Stripes, Silicone Tire
The Solarbotics SW wheel is compatible with standard Futaba servo hubs such as those on theSpringRC ..
Solenoid - 36v
Description Solenoids are a great way to induce linear motion for pushing, pulling or controlling..
Solenoid - 5v (small)
Description Solenoids are a great way to induce linear motion for pushing, pulling or controlling..
SparkFun LED Driver Breakout - TLC5940 (16 Channel)
Description:  The TLC5940 is a 16 channel PWM unit with 12 bit duty cycle control (0-4095), ..
SparkFun Motor Driver - Dual TB6612FNG (with Headers)
This product has been replaced by the newer version of SFES ROB-14450. Description The TB6612F..
SparkFun Opto-isolator Breakout
Description This is a board designed for opto-isolation. This board is helpful for connectin..
Stepper Motor PM25M (6 Wire)
Permanent Magnet Stepper can be the perfect solution for your application's power output needs. ..
Tamiya 70096 Off-Road Tires (2 tires)
The two extremely springy tires in the Tamiya 70096 off-road tires set are about 50 mm in diame..
Tamiya 70111 Sports Tire Set (2 tires)
The Tamiya 70111 sports tire set contains two attractive racing-style wheels, each 56 mm in dia..
Tamiya 70144 Ball Caster Kit (2 casters)
Tamiya’s steel-ball caster is a good way to give a “third wheel” to a small robot ..

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