
RS-485 Node Serial Network Communications Module SN65HVD12D

Product Code: NCD PR37-9

RS-485 Node Serial Network Communications Module SN65HVD12D
RS-485 Node Serial Network Communications Module SN65HVD12D
RS-485 Node Serial Network Communications Module SN65HVD12D
Brand: NCD

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RS-485 Serial Communications Module

Our RS-485 Serial Communications Module makes it easy to network up to 256 NCD devices together at distances up to 4,000 feet.  Each RS-485 node includes 3 screw-terminals for a 3-wire connection to the RS-485 master.  Since RS-485 is a physical layer networking protocol, users will make use of the NCD E3C command set to select which device they are speaking to at the software layer.  Using the E3C protocol, communicate to each device individually or all devices simultaneously.  E3C makes it easy to select which device is active or inactive using only 3 bytes in the E3C command.  The E3C command set has been an integral part of our products for many years, so it’s possible to upgrade older ProXR and Fusion class controllers to RS-485 in just a few minutes.  Each RS-485 node includes a dedicated processor that communicates at 9600 baud on the RS-485 bus.  The RS-485 node module communicates at 115.2K baud to the host controller.  NCD RS-485 nodes make use of the Texas Instruments SN65HVD12D RS-485 chip coupled with our own Atmel custom processor to ensure transparent RS-485 to USART conversion.  NCD RS-485 node modules were designed to work with NCD devices, but may be compatible with other products outside the NCD family.  NCD RS-485 node modules are compatible with ProXR, ProXR Lite, Fusion, and Taralist series controllers.  On-board jumpers are used for configuration and network bus termination settings.  Supports host device baud rates of 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, and 115.2K baud with a default host data rate of 115.2K baud.  Supports RS-485 Network Baud Rates of 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, and 115.2K baud with a default RS-485 data rate of 9600 baud.


RS485 Module

RS-485 Serial Communications Node

Our RS-485 Serial Communications Module makes it easy to network up to 256 NCD devices together at distances up to 4,000 feet.  Each RS-485 node includes 3 screw-terminals for a 3-wire connection to the RS-485 master. 

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