
NFC Shield V2.0

Product Code: Seeed 113030001

NFC Shield V2.0
Brand: Seeedstudio

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Availability: Backorder

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Short for Near Field Communication, NFC is a widely used technology around us. It's behind daily applications such as access control system and mobile payment system. NFC Shield features a highly integrated transceiver module PN532 which handles contactless communication at 13.56MHz. You can read and write a 13.56MHz tag with this shield or implement point to point data exchange with two NFC Shields. 

In this new version, we assign an independent PCB antenna which can easily stretch out of any enclosure you use, leaving more room for you to design the exterior of your project.

The PCB comes stuck on the shield, but you can easily peel it off.


  • 5cm max effective range

  • SPI pin saving interface

  • Serve for contactless communication at 13.56MHz

  • Support P2P communication

  • Support ISO14443 Type A and Type B protocals

Technical Details

Dimensions 100mm x 65mm x 30mm
Battery Exclude

Part List

NFC Shield V2.0 1
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