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Shuttle click
Shuttle click is a mikroBUS™ socket expansion board, which provides an easy and elegant s..
SigFox 2 Click (NA & Asia)
Activate your Sigfox 2 click by using the ID and PAC numbers which you can find on the packag..
SigFox click (Europe)
Activate your Sigfox click by using the ID and PAC numbers which you can find on the pac..
Signal Relay click
Signal Relay click can be used for ON/OFF control in various devices. It carries four ultra-small&..
Slider 2 Click
The output from the potentiometer is buffered by the high-performance rail-to-rail operational amp..
Slider click
Slider click features a mechanical slide action potentiometer - a slider, which gives a ni..
Smart Buck click
The external power supply should be connected to the VIN terminal, with the voltage between 2.5 an..
SmartDOF click
Built to be used as a simple solution, this 9 DOF SiP provides an output which can be used directl..
SmartGLCD 240x128 Board
SmartGLCD 240x128 SmartGLCD 240x128 Board is a full-featured tool for easy development of embed..
SmartGPS Board
SmartGPS Board is a compact solution for adding GPS functionality to your device. It features popu..
SmartMP3 Board
The SmartMP3 is an additional board used to reproduce audio files in several formats. It contains&..
SmartPROTO Board
The SmartPROTO Board offers an effective and low-cost solution for connecting your prototy..
Smoke click
Smoke click carries the MAX30105 high-sensitivity optical sensor for smoke detectio..
Solar energy click
There are many battery chargers and solar energy harvesters out there already, but the Solar ..
Solar Panel
Equip your devices with an autonomous power supply. Build solar-powered vehicles, robots or solar ..

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