
IQRF click

Product Code: MIKROE-2586

IQRF click
IQRF click
IQRF click
IQRF click

GST inclusive


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IQRF click carries the DCTR-76DA RF transceiver, operating in the 868/916 MHz frequency. The click is designed to run on a 3.3V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over SPI or UART interface, with additional functionality provided by the following pins on the mikroBUS™ line: AN, RST, PWM, INT.

Module features

DTCR-76DA is an RF transceiver operating in the 868/916 MHz license-free ISM (Industry, Scientific, and Medical) frequency band. Its highly integrated ready-to-use design containing MCU, RF circuitry, serial EEPROM and optional onboard antenna requires no external components.

How the click works

RF transceiver modules DCTR-72DA fit in the SIM connector. They are fully programmable under IQRF OS operating system and allow to utilize hardware profiles under DPA framework.

To upload application codes in DCTRs and configure DCTR parameters, CK-USB-04A kit is intended. When the application is uploaded to the IQRF it can be put in microBUS™ socket and communicate with it with MCU.


Type RF Sub 1GHz
Applications Point-to-point or network wireless connectivity, Telemetry, AMR (automatic meter reading), WSN (wireless sensor network), Building automation, Street lighting control, etc.
On-board modules DCTR-76DA RF transceiver
Key Features Selectable RF band 868 / 916 MHz, multiple channels
Interface UART,Analog,GPIO,SPI
Input Voltage 3.3V
Compatibility mikroBUS
Click board size S (28.6 x 25.4 mm)

Pinout diagram

This table shows how the pinout on IQRF click corresponds to the pinout on the mikroBUS™ socket (the latter shown in the two middle columns).

Notes Pin Mikrobus logo.png Pin Notes
Analog pin ADC 1 AN PWM 16 DIN General I/O pin
General I/O pin GPIO 2 RST INT 15 INT Interrupt
SPI enable SPI_CS 3 CS TX 14 TXD UART transmit
SPI Clock SPI_SCK 4 SCK RX 13 RXD UART receive
SPI Master Input Slave Output SPI_MISO 5 MISO SCL 12 NC  
SPI Master Output Slave Input SPI_MOSI 6 MOSI SDA 11 NC  
Power supply +3.3V 7 3.3V 5V 10 NC  
Ground GND 8 GND GND 9 GND Ground


Code examples for IQRF click, written for MikroElektronika hardware and compilers are available on Libstock.

Code snippet

This code snippet contains receiver and transmitter code for IQRF click board working with Thermo K click. When in transmit mode, MCU reads the temperature from Thermo K and if a certain threshold has been reached, byte data is sent to IQRF board via UART communication. Then, IQRF is broadcasting that byte to every other IQRF within range. Every Other IQRF click board is receiving that byte via RF communication and sending data to his local MCU via UART. Every event is displayed on easyTFT.

01 while(1)
02   {
03     #ifdef __TX__
05     status = &Read_MCP9600_Status;
06     Temp_Data_Ready = (status & 0x40);
08     temp =  Read_Temperature();
10     if (Temp_Data_Ready)
11     {                                       // Check is Temperature Data ready
12       sprintf(txt, "%2.1f  C", temp);       // Format Temperature Data and store it to txt
13       res = strcmp(txt,old_txt);            // Compare old_txt and txt
15       if(res != 0)                          // If old_txt and txt are not equal
16       {                                                                         
17         updateLabel(txt, 135, 90, lab1);    // Write temperature value on display
18         strcpy(old_txt,txt);                // Copy txt to old_txt string array
19       }
20     }
22     if (temp <= LOW_TEMP_POINT)             // If low temperature point has been reached
23     {
24      if (!low_point_reached)
25      {
26       UART3_Write_Text("L");                // Send byte via UART
27      }
28      low_point_reached = true;
30     }
31     else if (temp >= HIGH_TEMP_POINT)       // If high temperature point has been reached
32     {
33      if(!high_point_reached)
34      {
35       UART3_Write_Text("H");                // Send byte via UART                                 
36      }
37      high_point_reached = true;
39     }
40     else
41     {
42      low_point_reached = false;
43      high_point_reached = false;
44     }
45     Delay_ms(500);
46   #endif
48   #ifdef __RX__
50     TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_BLACK, FO_HORIZONTAL);
52     // Writing warnings on display
53     if(high_point_reached)
54     {
55      TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_RED, FO_HORIZONTAL);
56      high_point_reached = false;
57      TFT_Write_Text("HIGH ", 130, 100);
58      Delay_ms(2000);
59      TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_WHITE, FO_HORIZONTAL);
60      TFT_Write_Text("HIGH ", 130, 100);
61     }
62     if(low_point_reached)
63     {
64      TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_BLUE, FO_HORIZONTAL);
65      low_point_reached = false;
66      TFT_Write_Text("LOW", 130, 100);
67      Delay_ms(2000);
68      TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_WHITE, FO_HORIZONTAL);
69      TFT_Write_Text("LOW ", 130, 100);
70     }
71   #endif
72   }
74 }


 mikroBUS™ Standard specification 

 DCTR-76DA datasheet

 LibStock: IQRF click library 

 IQRF click schematic

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