
Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor Array (AMG8833)

Product Code: Seeed 101020557

Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor Array (AMG8833)
Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor Array (AMG8833)
Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor Array (AMG8833)
Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor Array (AMG8833)
Brand: Seeedstudio

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Availability: Backorder

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The Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor Array (AMG8833) is a high precision infrared array sensor which based on advanced MEMS technology. It can support temperature detection of two-dimensional area: 8 × 8 (64 pixels) and maximum 7 meters detection distance.

We provide both Arduino and Raspberry Pi demo for this sensor. It will be a perfect module to make your own thermal camera.


  • Temperature detection of two-dimensional area: 8 × 8 (64 pixels)

  • I2C output (capability of temperature value output)

  • High precision

  • Long detection distance

Typical Applications

  • High function home appliances (microwaves and air-conditioners)

  • Energy saving at office (air-conditioning/lighting control)

  • Digital signage

  • Automatic doors/elevators

Pin Out


Technical Details

Dimensions 40mm x 20mm x 6mm
Battery Exclude
Operating Voltage 3.3V / 5V
Temperature range of measuring object 0 °C to 80 °C +32 °F to +176 °F
Operating temperature range 0 °C to 80 °C +32 °F to +176 °F
Storage temperature range −20 °C to 80 °C –4 °F to +176 °F
Temperature accuracy Typical ±2.5 °C ±4.5 °F
Viewing angle Typical 60 °
Optical axis gap Within Typical ±5.6 °
Number of pixel 64 (Vertical 8 × Horizontal 8 Matrix)
External interface I2C
I2C Address 0x68(default) \ 0x69(optional)

Part List

Grove - Infrared Temperature Sensor Array (AMG8833) 1
Grove cable 1
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