
EasyPIC PRO v7 MCU card with PIC18F87J60 ETH

Product Code: MIKROE-1000

EasyPIC PRO v7 MCU card with PIC18F87J60 ETH

GST inclusive


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PIC18F87J60 microcontroller. It features IEEE 802.3™ Compatible Ethernet Controller with integrated MAC and 10Base-T PHY. It supports one 10Base-T port with activity outputs for 2 LED indicators. Ethernet controller features programmable automatic retransmit on collision and programmable automatic rejection of erroneous packets. Microcontroller has up to 10 MIPS operation, 128K bytes of linear program memory, 3808 bytes of linear data memory, 8192 of ethernet RX/TX buffer and lot of internal modules.

25MHz crystal oscillator. We carefully chose the most convenient crystal value that provides clock frequency which can be used directly, or with the PLL multipliers and dividers to create higher MCU clock value.


Architecture PIC (8-bit)
MCU speed 10 MIPS
MCU Memory 128 KB of Flash, 3808 bytes of RAM
Input Voltage 3.3V
Compatibility EasyPIC PRO v7


 EasyPIC PRO v7 PIC18F87J60 MCU card Manual

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