


RS232 is serial communication methods for computers and devices.

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CAN to Rs-232 Converter

vCAN-RS232/RS485 is a configurable module to convert data between RS232/RS485 and CAN protocols form..

RS-232 Serial / Modbus Module for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo [Xbee Socket]

NOTE: This product is compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo bo..

RS-232 Serial / Modbus Module,DB9 cable

The RS-232 standard was first introduced in 1962 by the Radio Sector of the EIA. The original DTEs (..

Waspmote RS-232 Serial / Modbus + DB9 cable

The RS-232 standard was first introduced in 1962 by the Radio Sector of the EIA. The original DTEs (..

Zigbee to Rs-232 Converter

The zigB-232 is an integrated low cost Zigbee to RS232 Converter. This Zigbee to serial adapter is c..


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